Analytics and tradingLAZAR analytics and trading solutions help financial institutions address the exploding information tsunami so traders can respond to market opportunities that fuel sustainable growth. Clearing, settlement and depositoriesLAZAR clearing, settlement and depositories solutions provide a solid foundation to help financial services utilities and institutions meet today's market challenges. Corporate actions solutionEvery business day, companies issue notices of events that affect their securities. Processing these corporate actions often involves manually-processed data in non-standardized format. The corporate actions solution from LAZAR can help provide an integrated solution for you and your clients. Data and process modelsSupport the strategic goals of your bank with component-based transformation and reuse components across multiple processes. Exchanges transformation and optimizationSupport the core business of your exchange with a trading reference architecture designed to promote low latency and cost efficiency. Your trade environment requires dynamic performance capabilities and LAZAR has developed technology to support the high throughput and low latency needs unique to exchange business processes. Financial riskLAZAR risk management solutions can help financial companies address increasingly complex financial risk. Governance and complianceLAZAR has a proven track record helping financial companies address complex governance and compliance projects. LAZAR Payments SolutionVirtually all financial institutions have multiple financial messaging systems. These systems evolve at differing times and purposes creating process duplication. With payment systems representing a higher percentage of expense than revenue, financial institutions need a more efficient and enterprise-wide payments solution. IT and infrastructure riskLAZAR IT and infrastructure risk solutions include a range of capabilities throughout the operational risk management cycle, including assessment and planning, design, implementation, business continuity and disaster recovery, and ongoing management. Master data managementLAZAR offers effective master data management solutions that can enable long-term financial market success. A single source of trading data can improve compliance, efficiency and CRM. Operational risk solutionsLeverage risk management for profitable growth. Enable compliance. Improve your reputation. Maintain flexible, resilient systems. Support business continuity. Turn to LAZAR to effectively support financial institutions’ processes and systems to manage and control operational risk and turn it to your advantage. LAZAR can help. Sales and client servicesLAZAR sales and client services for financial markets can enable near real-time access to customer information and data to help increase profitability and drive growth in high-velocity trading. Sales and support environment solutionMaximize front office efficiencies. Enhance information sharing across your enterprise. Streamline your business processes with LAZAR software and consulting services. We can help you integrate customer intelligence, market data and research information for greater efficiency across your organization. Transaction monitoring and exception managementEffectively manage risk exposure and reduce costs by quickly identifying and resolving failed trades. Transaction monitoring and exception management from LAZAR can help streamline the process for handling exceptions throughout a trade's lifecycle, which can account for more than 50% of back-office costs. Wholesale paymentsPayments make up a large portion of your expenses. But processing costs offset revenue generated from the related fees. Complex payment systems. Manual intervention. Disparate information sources. These are the problems. LAZAR can help you streamline processes to reduce costs, improve service, build a competitive advantage. |